Issue your own privacy-first coins on Incognito

  1. Download the Incognito Wallet app
  2. Tap “Issue your own coin
  3. Enter your coin details
  4. Start using it!

Win Awards for your Privacy Coin

Coin Awards is a public competition to promote creativity and innovation in the use of privacy coins.

Coin Score = (No. Transactions * 0.7) + (No. Unique Followers * 0.3)

1st Place, Coin Score$375*
2nd Place, Coin Score$250*
3rd Place, Coin Score$125*
Mostly Innovative, by popular vote$250*

*Winners will receive USD-equivalent in PRV, based on pDEX price at time of transfer.

  • Coin Score Winners will be selected at midnight PST on 31 January, 2020.
  • The Most Innovative award will be voted on by the community after 31 January, 2020. The winner will be announced on 7 February, 2020.
  • Privacy coins using bots or trading between a small number of accounts will be flagged and investigated by the founding team. Coins found to be gaming the system will be disqualified.
  • Awards will be sent directly to the account of the privacy coin creator. For coins without this data, the founding team will try to work with creators for verification.

Privacy Coin Leaderboard

Here are the top custom Privacy Coins, based on number of transactions, as of 15 January.

Coming soon: real-time leaderboard with Coin Score

PositionNameSymbolCustom Token Tx
5Privacy BTCBTC104
8Mr. Dorin GoianDG35
10Skycoin CashSCH21


What can I use coins for?

“Everything will be tokenized and connected by a blockchain one day..”
- Fred Ehrsam, Coinbase Founder

Living with roommates? Tokenize your security deposit and pay them to do chores for you.
Get reimbursed for common purchases from the coin treasury, and pay teammates with coins.
Issue a voting coin and send one to each member. Vote by sending your coin to one address.
Sell shares to raise funds to buy a house. Then flip it and distribute profits among the shareholders.

Send and receive

Send and receive confidentially on Incognito.

Send your privacy coins to anyone. Just enter their account address or scan their QR code. Your account balance and transactions details are totally hidden from prying eyes.

How does it work?