Become an Incognito Validator

Want to help build the privacy layer of the decentralized web and earn rewards? Validators are essential to the security and robustness of the Incognito chain.

You can run a virtual node on your computer, or on a cloud instance such as AWS. Just follow the instructions below. Block rewards are paid out in PRV and transacted currencies, such as pBTC, pETH, pBNB and more.

Questions? Reach us on Telegram or email us at [email protected].

Set up your server

You can run Incognito on a low-cost server. If you don’t have a server yet, it’s really simple and takes just a couple of minutes. You can set up an account with a VPS provider or a cloud service provider like DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, AWS or Vultr, Linode. It is highly recommended to set up your server with DigitalOcean Instance.

Useful instructions:
* How to set up an AWS account?
* How to set up a Google Cloud Instance?
* How to set up a Digital Ocean Instance?

The minimum server requirements are 4GB RAM, 4 CPUs, and 100GB SSD. For example, if you use Google Cloud Instance, the Machine type should be "n1-highcpu-4".

Save YOUR SERVER EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS. You’ll need it in Step 5.

See instructions to set up Node in the Step 3.

Create your account

Download the Incognito App


Open the app and it will automatically generate a wallet for you.

Tap on Settings (Gear icon).


Copy YOUR INCOGNITO ADDRESS and your VALIDATOR KEY (keep them safe!). You’ll need them in STEP 3 and 4.

Run Incognito

In your terminal:

Run this command line below. Replace validator_key with your VALIDATOR KEY (from Step 1).

curl -LO && sed -i "s/xxx/validator_key/" && sudo bash

If you see the following errors, just ignore them. You’re doing good.

Error: No such container: inc_miner
Error: No such container: inc_kovan
Error response from daemon: network with name inc_net already exists

For the curious, because Incognito is integrated with Ethereum (so you can send ETH and ERC20 tokens privately), its error messages show up here. There’s nothing much we can do about it. Move on.

Advanced set up: customize the port of your Node

The default rpc port is 9334 and node port is 9433. To change it, please follow these steps:

  1. In your terminal:

    Open the file by this command:


    Add the following param in docker command (replace node_port, rpc_port correspond to the port you want)

    docker run ... -p <node_port>:<node_port> -p <rpc_port>:<rpc_port> ...

    Then run the following command (replace rpc_port, node_port with yours):

    rpc_port=9334 node_port=9433 ./

  2. On the app:

    Separate the IP of your Virtual Node and the customized port by a colon before adding the Node. For example: 123.456.7.8:9335

    example virtual node ip
Get Privacy Token (PRV) to stake

Privacy (PRV) is the native coin of the Incognito Network. To become a validator, you’ll need to stake the minimum 1,750 PRV. You can purchase PRV on the Incognito pDEX using BTC or ETH (more currencies coming soon) or you can borrow PRV using crypto as collateral on Constant platform.

  1. Buy PRV: pDex Instruction

Monitor your node

You can easily monitor your Incognito nodes right from your phone.


Tap "Add a Virtual Node"


Enter your Node's IP address, then click "Add"


Almost there! Now, that you’ve got PRV, all you have to do is stake. Remember, you need to stake at least 1,750 PRV to begin earning rewards.

Tap on the Node you want to stake


Tap "Run" to start staking


Select fee & speed as you want, then tap "Stake"


Congrats! You’re officially part of the network. Welcome to Incognito :)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please keep your PRIVATE KEY as SAFE because anyone who has it can access your funds. You may need it once you re-install the mobile app.


We welcome any questions, comments, or feedback. Or just reach out to chat. We’re on telegram pretty much all the time:, or do it the old fashioned way and send an email to [email protected].